
You can download the current versions of PyBCI either here or here. There are different aspects of PyBCI provided for downloading:


There is a very first PyBCI version available now for Linux - the Windows version should be more stable. Especially the signing part (GLUT) is still not working very well under Linux. At least, you should already be able to get some data arrays. :)

For Users

  • The PyBCI module: pybci_<version>.zip or .tar

    Within this packed folder you’ll also find a documentary, a template folder and an example to get an idea how to use PyBCI.

For Developers


There is a GIT repository available both on BerliOS and on sourceforge that is probably worth using. Please see the message left in the open source forum as well as the documentary of the respective open source platform for a more detailed usage explanation.

The foundation as a module

  • PyBCI Python code: pybci_<version> or .tar

    Within this folder, you’ll find the Python module code - in case you want to delevelop the Python BCI module, but not the C++ source code.


    To get the C++ foundations, you should install PyBCI before working with this code, anyway. See also the FAQs.

The whole foundation

  • BCI C++ source: pybci_<version> or .tar

    Within this folder, you’ll find C++ code with a SWIG .i-file - this is the part of the C++ code the PyBCI Python code is based on. To wrap this code using SWIG for the Windows version might be a bit tricky - usually you’ll have to create an additional .pyd-file. A working way to do it is explained here.


To develop the C++ source code for the Windows version, you’ll need to install - if you do not have it installed anyway as a part of some Microsoft XP Service Pack - Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.

You can download it here. To get it working, you’ll have to link your code to the library called ws2_32.lib, then.

If you have not already installed PyBCI, you’ll also have to copy two dll, namely inpout32.dll and glut32.dll in your Windows system folder. You can find these in the downloaded folder.

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